The Foundations mission is to make quality education attainable while also enriching the lives of our students, faculty, and staff by supporting the college's strategic initiatives. This mission is made possible by the charitable gifts made by our donors. By giving, you are truly making a difference. You are not only changing lives with your gift, but you are also supporting the betterment of our community here in El Dorado. You will not only feel good about your philanthropic actions, but you will also be rewarded with significant tax benefits.
Gifting Options
Annual Giving
You may make an annual gift in several installments over one year. Or, you may make a multi-year pledge commitment by paying in installments over several years.
Memorial Gifts
You may give a one-time gift or establish an endowed scholarship in memory of someone who is now deceased.
Tribute or Recognition Gifts
Gifts may be given in honor of a person you wish to recognize or to acknowledge significant milestones in their lives: graduations, birthday, special achievements.
Unrestricted Gifts
Unrestricted funds will be applied to the greatest needs of the college.
Restricted Gifts
Contributions to this fund benefit special programs or purposes, either by contributing to one of the funds listed below or creating a new one.
Legacy Society Planned Giving
Donating through wills, trusts, and bequests. Click here to learn about our planned giving option.
Fill out our Heritage Circle Planned Giving Letter of Intent here.
Special Funds
Academic Career and Achievement Program
Advanced Manufacturing Training Center
Athletic's General Fund
Cultural Activities – AAFFD
Entertainment and Media Arts
FBLA Collegiate Travel
Finance and Administration Activities
G. Thomas Baumgardner Students’ Choice Award
Heritage Society Planned Giving
Howard Heritage Plaza Support
Innovation Mini-Grant Endowed
Lecture Series
President’s Circle
Kelly Roper Radiologic Technology Program
Skills USA Travel
South Arkansas Arboretum
SouthArk Library
SouthArk Library Learning Gardens
Student Services Activities
Student Success
Student Success for Single Parents
Thomas Administration Building
Odie and Sandra Vaughan Baseball Fund
How to Fund a Scholarship
There are many ways to provide scholarship funds for well-deserving students to pursue their education. Your gift will make an important difference in a student’s education.
Endowed Scholarships
Endowments are gifts that give in perpetuity. An endowment gift is invested and only a certain percentage of the earnings are spent for the specified purpose each year. It provides a permanent fund that generates annual earnings used to award scholarships or establish programs of study, faculty development, or general campus support. The minimum gift to establish an endowment is $15,000 and may be completed over a period of up to three years.
Restricted Scholarships
These scholarships are created by pooling donations from various donors. Restricted scholarships are designated for specific programs such as allied health, business, computers, early childhood education, etc.
General Scholarships
These scholarships are established by combining gifts from many donors. Donations of any amount may be given. Donations may be on a one-time or annual basis.
Make a Gift Today!
Thank you for your support of SouthArk! The gift you give truly make a difference, not just now but in the future.
Give a Gift Online
Give a Gift by Mail
SouthArk Foundation
P.O. Box 7010
El Dorado, Arkansas 71731