Real heroes, ordinary people, extraordinary courage.

Event Schedule
Friday, September 5, 2025- Day Prior to Race Day
• 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. & 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Packet Pickup at the El Dorado Conference Center, Enter West Foyer at 300 South West Ave., in front of Murphy Hall
Saturday, September 6, 2025 – Race Day
• 6:15-7:15 a.m. Race day registration and packet will be available @ start location
• 7:30 a.m. Start time at the corner of E. Cedar St. and S. Jefferson Ave.
• 8:30 a.m. Award Ceremony @ the Main Stage

How to Get Started
Pre-registration by August 28, is $30, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Registration after August 28, is $35.
Runner Divisions: 70+,60-69, 55-59, 50-54, 45-49, 40-44, 35-39, 30-34, 25-29, 20-24, 15-19, 10-14, 0-9
We now have a Walker's Division! All walkers, regardless of age and gender, are considered one division.
All registered runners will receive a swag bag including a commemorative performance t-shirt, official race bib, athletic race goodies, and more!
To Register you May
Register Online Here
Register by mail: Print the registration form here and send completed form and check payable to SouthArk Foundation, P.O. Box 7010, El Dorado, AR 71731
Register in person: South Arkansas Community College, 300 South West Avenue SouthArk Foundation Office, Administration Building, 2nd floor, Suite 209
Must register by Friday, August 30th, to guarantee a race shirt. Sizes Available: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL

*First place overall male and female will not receive age division awards

The SouthArk Outdoor Expo will once again host the Hero 5k Run/Walk. Runners and walkers of all ages, abilities, and experience levels are encouraged to come out and participate in a supportive and fun 5K event that honors our military and first responders.
This race honors our local courageous heroes – healthcare professionals, military personnel, and first responders. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the sacrifices made daily by these heroes and to unite in their honor. The community is invited to honor our hometown heroes and those who have served in the military while paying tribute to the heroes of today who are working on our frontlines.
The Hero 5k Ran/Walk grew in memory of Major Ronald Wayne Culver, who died in Iraq on May 24th, 2010. Major Culver served multiple combat deployments throughout his military career and served on countless programs and organizations in our local community. He was a true American hero who courageously sacrificed his life for our country.
This race also honors Leslie Darden, a hero & inspiration to so many in the racing world. She pushed people to be the best they could be through her steadfast encouragement, uplifting cheers, and empowering guidance! Leslie was an alumna of SouthArk and worked in the healthcare industry for 12 years.
It is an honor for us to recognize the courageous spirit of all of our hometown heroes including healthcare professionals, firefighters, military, and law enforcement who serve and protect our community! We wish to raise awareness of the sacrifices made daily by these heroes and unite to honor all those who have stepped up to earn the title of HERO.
Packet Pickup:
• Friday, September 6, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. & 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. - El Dorado Conference Center, Enter West Foyer at 300 South West Ave., in front of Murphy Hall, or on Saturday, September 7, @ start location
• Start at Corner of E. Cedar St. and S. Jefferson Ave. – Proceed North on S. Jefferson Ave. – Turn left onto Griffith St. – Turn left onto Mall parking lot/access road – Turn left onto E. 13th St. – Turn right onto N. Jefferson Ave. – Finish at E. Cedar St. and S. Jefferson Ave.
Course Map (online)
Course Map (print/photo)
Parking Map
Inclement Weather Policy
The race will go on regardless of precipitation. In the event that weather conditions present an imminent danger to participants, the race will be canceled. No refunds will be given.
• Due to reasons beyond our control, it may become necessary to change some of the event locations, start times, etc. Please visit the race website periodically to check for any updates
For more information, contact the SouthArk Foundation office at Foundation@southark.edu or 870.864.7130