SouthArk Outdoor Expo Rib-Cook off text banner with official Outdoor Expo logo and ribs being cooked on a fiery grill in the background

Get Grillin' at the Rib Cook-Off!

By joining the Rib Cook-off, you will be supporting education in our community and, at the same time, taking a shot at winning one of the 4 grand prizes and bragging rights for the best-tasting ribs in town! In 2024, we had over 30 teams competing!

Event Information Date: Saturday, September 6, 2025  Cooking Time: 7:00 AM-1:00 PM  Set-Up: Friday, September 5, 2025  Set- Up Time: 8:00 AM- 6:00 PM

Location: East of the El Dorado Conference Center, 311 South West Ave., El Dorado, AR at the corner of S. Washington and E. Locust. “Cookers’ Headquarters” tent is located on S. Washington St. at E. Locust St., see big tent with banner "Rib Headquarters".

Set-Up: First come, first served. Cookers will set up on South Washington Ave, between Locust St. & Pony St., east of El Dorado Conference Center. Enter on S. Washington St. at Pony St. intersection by El Dorado Printing, 332 S. Washington Ave. If there is an overflow of grills, they will be placed on E. Locust St., east of S. Washington.

Rib Pick-Up for Purchased Ribs

DEADLINE TO PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE IS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, AT 12:00 p.m. A limited number of rib tickets may be purchased at the Rib Headquarters/Information Tent, located outdoors at the intersection of S. Washington St. & E. Locust St. and inside the Conference Center at the registration table in front of Murphy Hall - on the day of the event.

Ribs are $30 per rack.

All proceeds benefit the SoutArk Foundation.

Date: Saturday, September 6, 2025

Time: 2:15 PM- 3:15 PM

Place: El Dorado Conference Center (east entrance) Maple Room, South Foyer (across from the Bookstore)

Awards text banner with a wood texture background

Best Ribs 1st Place $2000 & Trophy    2nd Place $1000 & Trophy    3rd Place $800 & Trophy    4th Place $600 & Trophy    5th Place $300 & Trophy    6th Place $150 & Trophy

Cookers Choice 1st Place $1000 & Trophy    2nd Place $750 & Trophy    3rd Place $300 & Trophy

Big Rig Construction 1st Place $300 & Trophy    2nd Place $200 & Trophy    3rd Place $100 & Trophy

Best Team Spirit 1st Place $300 & Trophy    2nd Place $200 & Trophy    3rd Place $100 & Trophy

Competition Rules

On Saturday, cookers shall report at 7:00 a.m. to Rib Headquarters on corner of S. Washington at Pony St. behind the main stage, to briefly discuss the rules and answer any questions. Bring your container in which to place your ribs to carry back to your cooking area. Racks of St. Louis-style pork ribs will be handed out. Teams will be issued a minimum of six racks of ribs.

Begin seasoning and cooking your ribs at any time after ribs have been received. Cookers provide all seasonings and “special” ingredients. Cookers may use any type of fuel designed for the grill or smoker.

Rib entries are not to be removed from the cooking area.

Any violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification of the competition.

No ribs may be brought in from outside to use for competition. Violation will result in disqualification.

Please handle food in a sanitary manner using cooking utensils or gloves. Bring your own gloves.

Ribs are judged on: Taste, Tenderness, and Appearance.

11:00 a.m. – A member of each cooking team will go to the “Cookers’ Headquarters” tent, and randomly select ONE ALUMINUM judges’ container for ribs. This container will have two envelopes taped on the top of the box. Both envelopes contain the same number. Winners will be announced by this number. DO NOT OPEN OR REMOVE either envelope from the judges' rib container. Doing so will result in disqualification. Both envelopes must be attached to the judges’ container at the turn-in location.

1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. – To turn in your competition ribs, place one rib from EACH of the six racks of ribs you are cooking (totaling six separate ribs) in the judges’ container for ribs. Sauce is optional and must be served in a container provided at cooker headquarters. No garnishes are allowed. Deliver your container to the east entrance of the El Dorado Conference Center, (look for the sign) between 1:00 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. to a rib cook-off representative. You must have BOTH of your envelopes at the turn-in location. One will be taken with your ribs and the other will be given back to you. Do not open your envelope until instructed to do so at the Awards Ceremony. Ribs turned in after 1:15 p.m. will be disqualified.

Rib entries are not to be removed from the cooking area. Any violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification of the competition.

In order to account for all rib racks distributed, teams MUST turn in containers with the remaining cooked ribs. Otherwise, tickets must be presented - one for each rack of ribs not turned in – please pay $30 for rack, prior to the event,  that you will keep. Other ribs remain the property of Outdoor Expo. 

Registrants grant full permission to use of photographs or any other record of the event for any legitimate purpose.

Text that reads: " Cooking for the Public: All racks of cooked ribs will be sold to the public. Put only one (1) COMPLETE rack of ribs per container. We do ask that each rack of ribs turned in for sale be cut in half to fit into each container provided. Please deliver all non-competition ribs to the "Cooker's Headquarters", no later than 1:30 p.m.  12:15 p.m. – At 12:15 p.m., the Styrofoam clamshell containers for public sale may be picked up at the “Cookers’ Headquarters”  tent.  1:30 p.m. – Be sure to deliver ALL remaining ribs for public sale in the provided containers to the “Cookers’ Headquarters” tent.  If you purchase tickets for your ribs in advance, make sure to turn in your tickets or receipt, if you paid online, to the “Cookers’ Headquarters. Teams are expected to account for all ribs issued either by turning in cooked ribs or ticket(s). NO EXCEPTIONS. In order to account for all rib racks distributed, teams MUST turn in containers with the remaining cooked ribs. Otherwise, tickets must be presented - one for each rack of ribs not turned in – please pay $30 prior to the event for each rack that you will keep. Other ribs remain the property of Outdoor Expo. NO EXCEPTIONS." with a double orange boarder

Cookers Choice Competition Rules

Entries will be judged on taste and appearance. Submit any food of your choosing--except ribs. Your entry must be cooked in your cooking area and on your cooking rig during the day of competition.

11:00 p.m. – A member of each cooking team will go to the “Cookers’ Headquarters” tent, and randomly select ONE ALUMINUM judges’ container for Cooker’s Choice. This container will have two envelopes taped on the top of the box. Both envelopes contain the same number. Winners will be announced by this number. DO NOT OPEN OR REMOVE either envelope from the judges’ Cooker’s Choice container. Doing so will result in disqualification. Both envelopes must be attached to the judges' Cooker’s Choice container at the turn in location.

12:00 p.m. to 12:15 p.m. – To turn in your Cooker’s Choice entry, place three (3) servings in the judges’ container for Cooker’s Choice. Deliver your container to the east entrance of the El Dorado Conference Center, look for sign, between 12:00 p.m. and 12:15 p.m. to a Cooker’s Choice cook-off representative. You must have BOTH of your envelopes at the turn in location. One will be taken with your entry and the other will be given back to you. A Cooker’s Choice entry turned in after 12:15 p.m. will be disqualified.

Cooker’s Choice entries are not to be removed from the cooking area. Any violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification of the competition.

There will be 9 judges for ribs and 3 judges for Cooker’s Choice. This is a double-blind contest. Judges will not know the identity of cooking teams and entries will be scored by number only; the identifying number of the cooking teams will not be known until the Awards Ceremony. DON’T LOSE YOUR ENVELOPES!!!!!!

3:30 p.m. – Bring your Best Ribs and Cooker’s Choice envelopes to the Awards Ceremony at the main stage at 3:30 p.m. You will be told when you may open your envelope(s).

Opening an envelope prior to being notified will result in disqualification.


Big Rig Construction Competition Rules

Rig construction will be judged on cleanliness of rig, design, construction, and effectiveness/ease of use.

8:00 a.m. – Staff will post a “Best Rig Construction” sign on your tent at approximately 8:00 a.m. – please check that you have one in FRONT of your tent so the judges can find you.

11:00 p.m. - At approximately 11:00 p.m., judges will announce their presence at each cooking pit.

3:30 p.m. – Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony at the main stage.

Best Team Spirit Rules

The Best Team Spirit award will be judged on cookers' enthusiasm, staging of the cooking area (rig set-up, streamers, banners, flags, signs, etc.). Although not mandatory, you may include costumes, skits, and/or songs.

8:00 a.m. – Staff will post a “Best Team Spirit” sign on your tent at approximately 9:00 a.m. – please check that you have one in FRONT of your tent so the judges can find you.

10:00 a.m. – At approximately 10:00 a.m., judges will announce their presence at each cooking pit.

3:30 p.m. – Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony at the main stage.