Outdoor Expo logo over a photo taken of patrons outside near tents at the 2024 Outdoor Expo with "Sponsors" text

The SouthArk Outdoor Expo is a wonderful way for you or your company to give back to the community!

Thank you in advance for your support of educational opportunities in southern Arkansas!

Title Sponsorship $10000 Company banner with logo on Main stage    10 Expo t-shirts    Free exhibitor space    Logo on all promotional materials    Distinguished logo on website, social media pages, printed posters, and t-shirt    Distinguished sponsor recognition/ad on social media pages 

Eagle Sponsorship $5000 Company banner at festival site    8 Expo t-shirts    Free exhibitor space    Logo on all promotional materials    Prominent logo on website, social media pages, printed posters, and t-shirt    Prominent sponsor recognition/ad on social media pages

Bigs Bucks Sponsorship $3000 6 Expo t-shirts    Free exhibitor space    Recognition on select promotional materials    Enhanced logo on website, social media pages, printed posters, and t-shirt    Enhanced sponsor recognition/ad on social media pages

Master Angler Sponsorship $2000 4 Expo t-shirts Free exhibitor space Recognition on select promotional materials Logo on website, social media pages, printed posters, and t-shirt Sponsor recognition/ad on social media pages

Great Outdoors Sponsorship $1000 2 Expo t-shirts    Recognition on selected promotional materials    Recognition on website and social media pages

Expert Shot Sponsorship $500 Recognition on website and social media pages

text banner with green text that reads "Thank You to our 2025 outdoor expo sponsors

Title Sponsors

Eagle Sponsors

Big Bucks Sponsors

Master Angler Sponsors

Great Outdoors Sponsors

Expert Shot Sponsors